Larsen's Social Studies Heimat
Why This Webquest
Everyone has seen a film set in a historical setting. Maybe one of your favourite films was based upon some grain of historical truth. The point of this webquest is to delve into some popular historical films and uncover whether or not it is an authentic representation of the past, and the events that they are trying to portray.
It is my goal that once you complete your webquest, you will be able to look at any example of historical themes in film and think critically about them.
Your Task
Step 1: Pick a Film
Check out this list of historical films. There should be at least one or two that you've seen before. If not, pick one that looks interesting.
Step 2: Research your choice
Try to find out whether or not the film was historically accurate or authentic. Look at reviews, scholarly articles from historians, primary sources from the actual event (or a similar event). Remember: write down where you got your information
Step 3: Analyze
Write up a brief analysis of the film's authenticity. Why or why was it not authentic representation of an event? What was the reasoning behind the changes they made? How could it have been more authentic? What changes would you make?
When you're done, submit your completed Word document (with your name in the file name) right here.